LSU GPA Calculator

Find your GPA using this LSU GPA Calculator. As a student, understanding your academic progress is crucial for your success. One way to measure your performance is through your Grade Point Average (GPA). In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of calculating your GPA, explain the LSU grading system, and provide insights into important policies and procedures related to GPA calculation at Louisiana State University (LSU). Whether you are a new student or a returning one, this guide will help you navigate the complexities of GPA calculation and provide you with the tools you need to track your academic progress effectively.

LSU GPA Calculator

Understanding GPA at LSU

At LSU, GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of hours attempted. Quality points are determined based on the letter grades you receive in each course. LSU follows a plus/minus grading system, where each letter grade corresponds to a specific range of quality points. The table below provides an overview of the LSU grading system:

It is important to note that LSU also offers the option of Pass/No Credit grades for certain courses. These grades do not contribute to your GPA calculation. Additionally, LSU provides the TOPS GPA calculation as a courtesy, but only the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) can determine TOPS awards. It is advisable to visit LOSFA for more information on TOPS and other educational institutions that may use a different GPA calculation scale.

Grade SymbolQuality Points

Using the LSU GPA Calculator

To calculate your GPA at LSU, you can use the LSU GPA Calculator provided by the university. The LSU GPA calculator requires you to input various pieces of information, including your prior number of hours, prior quality points, course name (optional), hours, and course grade for the desired semester. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the LSU GPA Calculator:

  1. Refer to your College Record: Your College Record contains accurate academic information necessary for GPA calculation. If you are unsure how to find your College Record, refer to the GROK Article on College Record for guidance.
  2. Enter Prior Number of Hours and Prior Quality Points: On the LSU GPA Calculator, enter your prior number of hours and prior quality points. These values can be found in your College Record. If you are a first-semester freshman, you do not need to fill out this information.
  3. Enter Course Information: Fill out the course name (optional), hours, and course grade for the desired semester. Be sure to enter the letter grade you received in each course.
  4. Calculate GPA: Once you have entered all the necessary information, click on the “Calculate GPA” button to generate your Quality Points and GPA information. The LSU GPA calculator will provide you with your Semester GPA, Cumulative GPA, Total Quality Points, and TOPS GPA (if applicable).

It is important to note that the LSU GPA Calculator is a helpful tool, but it is always recommended to consult with academic advisors or the Office of the University Registrar for any specific questions or concerns regarding GPA calculation.

LSU GPA Calculator

LSU Academic Record Adjustment Policy

LSU provides several options for students to adjust their academic records. These policies can have an impact on your GPA calculation. Let’s take a closer look at the different adjustment policies offered at LSU:

  1. Grade Replacement: The Grade Replacement policy allows the most recent grade earned to replace the previous grade in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, regardless of whether it is higher or lower. This policy can be used for up to 12 hours of coursework.
  2. Academic Bankruptcy: Under the Academic Bankruptcy policy, students can petition to have all grades earned in a previous semester excluded from the calculation of the cumulative GPA. This option may only be used once and only for one semester. However, all courses taken in the excluded semester will still appear on the transcript with a notation indicating academic bankruptcy.
  3. Retroactive Withdrawal: In certain circumstances, students may petition to withdraw from a course after the deadline due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control. A “W” will be recorded on the transcript, but no grade or quality points will be awarded.

It is important to note that these policies should be used judiciously and in consultation with academic advisors or the relevant offices at LSU. They can have implications for financial aid, transcript notations, and other academic considerations.

LSU Course Repeat Policy

LSU provides guidelines for students who wish to repeat a course for a higher grade or for credit. Here is an overview of the course repeat policy at LSU:

  1. Repeat a Course for a Higher Grade: If you have previously taken a course and wish to improve your grade, LSU allows you to repeat the course. In this case, the most recent grade earned will replace the previous grade in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, regardless of whether it is higher or lower.
  2. Repeat a Course for Credit: Students may also repeat a course for credit. In this scenario, both the original and repeated course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. It is important to note that financial aid eligibility for repeated courses may vary, especially if the course was previously passed with a grade of “D” or higher.

When considering repeating a course, it is advisable to consult with academic advisors or the relevant offices at LSU to understand the implications and make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

To further enhance your understanding of GPA calculation at LSU, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Q: How is the GPA calculated at LSU? A: GPA at LSU is calculated on a 4.0 scale, with A+ worth 4.0 and F worth 0.0. The cumulative GPA is the weighted average of all grades earned.

Q: What is the minimum GPA required to remain in good standing at LSU? A: At LSU, undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to remain in good academic standing.

Q: What is the grade replacement policy at LSU? A: LSU’s grade replacement policy allows students to repeat up to 12 hours of coursework and have the most recent grade earned replace the previous grade in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, regardless of whether it is higher or lower.

Q: Can a student retake a course for credit at LSU? A: Yes, students may retake a course for credit at LSU. However, both the original and repeated course will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA.

Q: What is academic bankruptcy at LSU? A: LSU’s academic bankruptcy policy allows students to petition to have all grades earned in a previous semester excluded from the calculation of the cumulative GPA. This option may only be used once and only for one semester.

It is important to note that the above answers provide a general summary of LSU’s GPA calculation policies. Students should consult with their respective institution for specific policies and procedures.


Understanding your GPA is essential for tracking your academic progress and making informed decisions about your education. By using the LSU GPA Calculator and being aware of LSU’s grading system, academic record adjustment policies, and course repeat policies, you can navigate the complexities of GPA calculation at LSU. Remember to consult with academic advisors or the relevant offices at LSU for any specific questions or concerns regarding GPA calculation. By staying informed and taking advantage of the resources available to you, you can make the most of your college experience and achieve your academic goals.

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